Подробности, фантастика и Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå
Подробности, фантастика и Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå
Blog Article
That means that your source data is going through two charset conversions before being sent to the browser:
The Wolfram Language supports full Unicode throughout—in strings, symbols, graphics, and external operations—allowing immediate streamlined use of all standard international character sets, integrated with native text entry.
If the data is already broken when you view it in the source file, chances are that it used to be a UTF-8 file but was saved in the wrong encoding somewhere along the way.
проблемы с кодировкой, возможно битые настройки браузера или в чём вы смотрели данный текст.
That is the recommended way when building PHP projects from scratch. While it would probably fix the problem the OP shows, fixing the problem at its root (if possible) is much preferable.
Sci-fi movie about a parallel world where cars are white and shared, and a man is hunted on TV while trying to return home
Áÿëè, áó ñóàë ëàð, áÿëêÿ äÿ éöçäÿ ñÿêñÿíèíè äöøöíäöðìöð. Àììà ÿêñÿð èí ñàíëàðûí âàõòàøûðû þçëÿðèíÿ öíâàíëàäûüû ìèíëÿðëÿ ñóàëëàðäàí áèð íå÷ÿñè äÿ ìÿùç áåëÿäèð. Ìÿí äÿ ñàäÿëþâù êÿíä óøàüû îëäóüóìäàí ÿñë øÿðèí íÿ îëäó üóíó áèëìÿçäèì.
Вся дальнейшая вызывание склифосовский проходить в текстовом редакторе.
It is far more likely that you have a Charlie in content creation than that the web server configuration is wrong. You can also force your web browser to twingle the page by selecting windows-1252 encoding for a utf-8 document. Your web browser cannot detwingle the document that Charlie saved.
1 To give a bit context to my previous comment, the OP literally commented "Or use ’" . problem is solved. But apparently the OP realized Ïàìÿíèêè íà ìîãèëó âîåííûì â Ìîñêâå years later he was embarrasingly wrong so he deleted his comment.
Tool to translate Unicode codes. Unicode is a character encoding standard aiming to give every character a numeric identifier.
This is most likely where your problem lies. You need to verify with an independent database tool what the data looks like.
Always specify your encoding in your http headers and make sure this matches your framework's definition of encoding.
à ▪ á ▪ â ▪ ã ▪ ă ▪ ä ▪ ā ▪ å ▪ æ ▪ ć ▪ č ▪ ç ▪ è ▪ é ▪ ê ▪ ĕ ▪ ë ▪ ē ▪ ì ▪ í ▪ î ▪ ĭ ▪ ï ▪ ð ▪ ł ▪ ñ ▪ ò ▪ ó ▪ ô ▪ õ ▪ ö ▪ ő ▪ ø ▪ š ▪ ù ▪ ú ▪ û ▪ ü ▪ ű ▪ ý ▪ ÿ ▪ þ